Should You Employ A Real Estate Virtual Assistant?

real estate virtual assistant

Most agents goal is to grow their real estate business with in the next 12 months. The more your business grows you begin to pulled in many directions.  It requires you to work for your business instead of your business working for you.
Your real estate business will flounder if its 100 percent dependent on you. You are limited by time and skill sets you posses  The decision to hire a real estate virtual assistant may be on your horizon.

So, should you hire an in-house employee or a virtual assistant? There is no right answer, but there are definitely some things to consider.

A real estate virtual assistant is a cost-effective way to add support to your team wherever and whenever you need it most—marketing, listing coordination, or lead generation and follow-up—giving you the time to focus directly with your clients, where you’re needed the most.

Cost-wise, you’ll find that a real estate virtual assistant is significantly more cost efficient  per hour than an employee on an hourly wage. Another bonus is that you can employ a virtual assistant on part time basis, allowing you to better control your overhead.

Real estate virtual assistants can provide you with:
Real estate virtual assistants

  • Marketing (real-world and online, including ad layout, design and placement) 
  • Lead generation/management 
  • Listing coordination & management 
  • Closing transaction management 
  • Blogging/Social media coverage 
  • Highly skilled technology projects 
  • Web design 
  • Document management
Whichever way you choose , make sure your choice is both cost and time efficient.

Real Estate Caddie gives you the power of leverage.  Leverage Time Money and People.

For most real estate agents we do multiple task, that need a variety of skills.  Our real estate virtual assistants are trained to do one thing. They master their one thing so you can master yours.  Let our real estate virtual assistants do the work while you sleep.